March 26, 2020
COVID-19: EMSOW Update
HealthExec: “CMS conducted an inspection of a nursing home based in Kirkland, Washington, the Life Care Center, considered to be the epicenter of the state’s outbreak of the new coronavirus, COVID-19.
Over a course of several weeks, two-thirds of the nursing home’s residents fell ill with COVID-19, as well as 47 workers. Overall, 35 people have died from the virus, exemplifying a worst-case scenario of the disease. COVID-19 disproportionately impacts the elderly by causing more severe illness and often requiring intensive care.”
We hope that our newsletter finds you well, and the self-assessment tools, discussed in the article, would help to control the threat.
EMSOW Release
[#16154] HIPAA Privacy Policy Notice
We have added a HIPAA Privacy Policy Notice for new EMSOW users. It will appear when they login to their EMSOW domain for the first time. To proceed, a user needs to accept it.

Read the notice carefully, check the Agree box, then click OK.
You can make the new users accept the HIPAA agreement by checking the corresponding box in the “Create new record” window of the Users module or disable this feature by unchecking it.
Also, under this checkbox, you will find the Force to change password checkbox, which was previously located at the bottom of the window.