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February 1, 2019
News > EMSOW Release Newsletter – February 1, 2019

EMSOW Release Newsletter – February 1, 2019

February 1, 2019

Dear customers!

We are glad to inform you that a new version of EMSOW has been released this week.

[#17784] Monthly Reconciliation Report Improvements

We have improved our Monthly Reconciliation Report by adding the following new columns:

  • The count of studies flagged as “no read”
  • The percentage of studies for which payments have been collected
  • “Open studies” (the difference between the count of billed studies and the count of written off and collected studies)

With the extended EMSOW report, you have better control of your financial inflows.

[#18235] Replicating Checks with the Same Number

Payment checks that have the same control number can now be replicated between EMSOW domains. This new feature eliminates replication errors associated with checks for our customers who use multidomain configurations.

[#18245] Aliases for Study Groups

It is now possible to add aliases to study groups. Go to the Tests section of the Setup menu and select Study Groups. Here you can edit the needed study groups and add aliases to them. This feature may come useful for customers who use 3rd party integrations with EMSOW and receive data from external systems, such as EHRs.

[#18144] Extended Default Settings in the Standard Domain Configuration

From now on, the standard domain configuration includes the “performed,” “scheduled” and “canceled” service statuses. Thus, we have streamlined the process of creating new domains for our clients who deal with multiple domains.

EMSOW appreciates your feedback. Found a bug? Contact EMSOW Support and help us improve! You are welcome to follow us on FacebookTwitter, and LinkedIn!