
February 9, 2022
News > Feature release 02/09/2022: Improved Fee Schedules module

Feature release 02/09/2022: Improved Fee Schedules module

February 9, 2022

Dear practitioner!


As we move forward in the healthcare industry, there will be more pressure and attention put on physician fee schedules. Payors and consumers will continue to put pressure on fee schedules to reduce costs, making healthcare more accessible to them. Given the current healthcare climate, it is believed that fee schedules will continue to be a contentious topic of conversation.


Meanwhile EMSOW makes it easier and more comfortable to use the platform and its Fee Schedules module as well. This week we’ve made more fee schedule formats available for import.


If you are not with EMSOW yet, you are welcome to book a FREE online demo here!


[#23131] Support for more fee schedule import formats

With the latest update, three more formats have become available for importing fee schedules to EMSOW: Noridian, First Coast Service Options, and Wisconsin Physicians Service. The “Mpfsp” fee schedule format has been renamed as NGS Medicare.

To import a fee schedule, follow Setup → Billing → Fee Schedules in the main EMSOW menu and click the Data import button on the toolbar. Select the necessary import format along with the other parameters and click Save: