EMSOW Mobile
EMSOW Mobile is a smartphone application that allows mobile sonographers to capture different types of documents (such as consent forms, insurance cards, log sheets, patient sheets, tech sheets, and referral forms) and quickly upload them to EMSOW cloud storage. The uploaded documents are automatically attached to patient records, which enables your business to save data entry time, increase data integrity, and speed up the overall workflow.
Download for Android™
Download for iPhone® or iPad®
User Manual for iPhone and iPad
For instructions on how to manage mobile documents in EMSOW, please refer to the user manual.
Android is a registered trademark of Google Inc. iPhone and iPad are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries.
Scan this QR code to download EMSOW Mobile for Android
Scan this QR code to download EMSOW Mobile for iPhone and iPad
EMSOW PACS Bridge is a desktop application that allows you to transfer DICOM images from your diagnostic equipment to your EMSOW site using a secure, encrypted connection. You can obtain the images from the equipment in two ways – using a USB flash drive or a recordable disk, or by establishing a network connection between your equipment and your computer. Once you obtain the images, Bridge will upload them to EMSOW with automatic handling of DICOM metadata.

EMSOW PACS Bridge is a desktop application that allows you to transfer DICOM images from your diagnostic equipment to your EMSOW site using a secure, encrypted connection. You can obtain the images from the equipment in two ways – using a USB flash drive or a recordable disk, or by establishing a network connection between your equipment and your computer. Once you obtain the images, Bridge will upload them to EMSOW with automatic handling of DICOM metadata.
Download EMSOW PACS Bridge:
PACS Bridge for Windows (64-bit)PACS Bridge for Windows (32-bit)PACS Bridge for Mac“Send to Bridge” menu item for Mac
EMSOW Mobile
EMSOW Mobile is a smartphone application that allows mobile sonographers to capture different types of documents (such as consent forms, insurance cards, log sheets, patient sheets, tech sheets, and referral forms) and quickly upload them to EMSOW cloud storage. The uploaded documents are automatically attached to patient records, which enables your business to save data entry time, increase data integrity, and speed up the overall workflow.
Download for Android™

Download for iPhone® or iPad®

User Manual for iPhone and iPad
For instructions on how to manage mobile documents in EMSOW, please refer to the user manual.
Android is a registered trademark of Google Inc. iPhone and iPad are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries.